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Chris Culliver, CB, No. 29 The post draft review on Culliver, the 49ers' third round pick, was that he had potential but would need time to round into form after spending most of his college career at safety. Instead Culliver has learned quickly, and he's now the team's No. 3 cornerback. In today's NFL, the third cornerback plays a large percentage of snaps, and that's been the case with Culliver. The seasoning he gets now will pay dividends should the 49ers make the postseason and have to play teams like Green Bay, New Orleans, Dallas and Detroit. Culliver is straight out of central casting for a cornerback. He's tall, long limbed, athletic and spilling over with confidence. He's taken on the coaching he's received from secondary coach Ed Donatell (whose contributions, by the way, can't be overstated) but is still trusting his instincts so that he reacts quickly to plays. He's a keeper and someone who looks like a starter for years to come. 15 tackles, 1 interception.The end scene, with a radiant Cate pulling a rope to reveal a sunny world of blue skies and windmills is both patronising and deceptive. Advertising that deceives rarely works effectively in the long run, as people become more familiar with the issues and resent that they were being treated as mugs. Windmills have no hope of replacing base load energy, and are in fact both here and in the UK the subject of much unhappiness and controversy in those communities where they are sited.
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