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The design of the I 9 bridge in Putnam County has been blamed for increasing the severity of flooding in Ottawa. The Army Corps estimated $8 million flood control project would modify the approach to the I 9 bridge, create a diversion channel, and establish an ecosystem restoration area on the west side of Ottawa.Think about how many pieces of equipment, wheeled and otherwise, the military has used in Afghanistan over the last 12 years. owes $70 million in these unpaid so called customs fees. The Air Force can fly most of the equipment out of the country instead of using the roads, but the Pentagon says that would cost up to $2 billion more. Why should we pay that?
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CC Sabathia (15 7, 3.56 ERA) signed a huge deal with the Yankees in the off season. The two time Spahn winner has had his ups and downs. The flow of information that Al Qaeda was establishing themselves; ten Al Qaeda affiliated outfits there and the request by our Lieutenant Colonel Woods for more security. What was that? Why wasn't that responded to? And then of course, when the attack took place, what did the President do? And afterwards of course, why would we ever allege that this was a video that caused spontaneous demonstration when there was absolutely no evidence that that was the case, except some hearsay.
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Cyber attacks during the Commonwealth Games could also have been to disrupt items like scores and a practice to see how well India was capable of preventing such attacks. In another instances, when a major power grid crisis cut off power in several parts of the country last year, there were reports that it was due to cyber attacks..
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As health officials brace for a new onslaught of illness from the novel H1N1 virus, they remain perplexed by one of the most unusual and unsettling patterns to emerge from this pandemic the tendency of the so called swine flu to strike younger, healthier people. The initial explanation was that the elderly, who are usually most vulnerable to the flu, have built in immunity as a result of their exposure more than 50 years ago to ancestors of today's pandemic strain.SEOUL, South Korea (AP) Second seeded Karolina Pliskova of the Czech Republic rallied from a set down on Saturday to beat Russia's Maria KirBadgers football: Alex Erickson rises from walk on to top passing targetWozniacki, Ivanovic make final at Pan Pacific OpenBadgers football: Five things to know about UW Bowling GreenBadgers football vs. Bowling Green: Who has the edge?Alabama Florida: Business not personal for coachesFlorida State suspends Winston for entire gameJoin us on June 17 at the Kenosha Country Club to raise money for the Society's Assets scholarship fund for students with disabilities.
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Market. Nearly 581 million shares were traded on Friday.The drop was so steep that circuit breakers kicked in a few minutes after the open to restrict short sales of the stock, according to a notice from Nasdaq."One of the things that we are seeing in Facebook is a lot of emotional trading, in that over the weekend much of the media coverage was negative, and that could be weighing on investors' decisions to get out of the stock," said JJ Kinahan, TD Ameritrade's chief derivatives strategist.Shares of other one time Internet darlings fell in lock step with Facebook before rebounding on their own merits, with Yelp and Groupon rising.
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(TEAGUE) Video obtained exclusively by KCEN shows a brawl that broke out Tuesday night at the Bruceville Eddy/Teague basketball game. A source, who was at the game, tells KCEN the fight started after a Teague player punched a Bruceville Eddy player. The father of the Bruceville Eddy player then ran down onto the court, at which time he was also punched by the Teague player. The father punched back and was later arrested. He was booked into the Freestone County Jail and released Wednesday m.(TEAGUE) Video obtained exclusively by KCEN shows a brawl that broke out Tuesday night at the Bruceville Eddy/Teague basketball game. A source, who was at the game, tells KCEN the fight started after a Teague player punched a Bruceville Eddy player. The father of the Bruceville Eddy player then ran down onto the court, at which time he was also punched by the Teague player. The father punched back and was later arrested. Geological Survey confirmed the latest quake with a magnitude of 2.7 took place Wednesday at .The Oilers will play the Cardinals on Jan. and then face the Chargers on Jan. Sights and Sounds All Oilers basketball games can be heard on 88.3 FM "WLFC" or on the internet via their web site. You can listen to the broadcast by clicking on the following link: WLFC The University of Findlay will also broadcast all of their home basketball games on the internet.
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De har valgt en vanskelig strategi, hvor de ikke nar utover sine egne. De har ikke mobilisert andre enn aktive kirkegjengere, slik Apen folkekirke gjr. Sistnevnte har vrt mye mer aktiv, blant annet pa sosiale medier. Blir det belnning etter innsats i kirkevalget, vinner Apen folkekirke, sier Gjsund.
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HD Mining wants to build a coal mine 12 kilometres southwest of Tumbler Ridge. This mine would gather coal used to create metals like steel. A 2013 estimate by the company put its capital cost at $300 million.
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She launched a six week course with Oprah to help people put these habits into practice. Every week, the course will introduce two new steps to "move from knowing what we want to do to actually doing it."
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The people of Pakistan celebrate the 23rd of March, every year, with great zeal and enthusiasm, to commemorate the most outstanding achievement of the Muslims of South Asia who passed the historic 'Pakistan Resolution' on this day at Lahore in 1940. Fazl ul Haq moved a resolution and demanded a separate sovereign state for the Muslims in the North West and Eastern Zones of the sub continent, where they were in majority. The resolution was seconded by Ch. Khaliq uz Zaman and supported by several prominent leaders and members of the Muslim League party to transcribe the hopes and wishes of millions of Muslims into reality.
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LAGKOMPISER: Mario Balotelli holdes igjen av tidligere lagkamerat i AC Milan, etter ha f r kort i oppgj mot Napoli i september 2013. N Amelia at Balotelli skal returnere til Italia, og Serie C spill. Na nsker Amelia at Balotelli skal returnere til Italia, og Serie C spill.
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Jeg tror det er det hyeste Eurosong tallet der Norge ikke har vunnet eller vrt arrangr for eventet. Eurosong har alltid vrt en av de strste begivenhetene pa norsk tv, og vi ser at interessen for sendinga lever i beste velgaende, sier Tolonen.
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HAI is again highlighting the HAI Rotor Safety Challenge, which features more than 53 safety education events that will help attendees learn industry best practices including safety tools and techniques to apply while on the job. Some of these courses include sessions such as Law: What Pilots Need to Know, in FAA Medical Certification, and Safety Case for HUMS, and and Technology: Do They Fit Together? Most of these events are eligible for FAA WINGS and AMT program credits. Attendees that the challenge and attend six or more of these events will be eligible to receive a certificate of recognition.
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