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What was the real secret formula that garnered so many votes in the Palmetto State for Newt Gingrich? Was it the moon colonies or the defense plan for the electromagnetic pulse attack? No, it was the firm conservative ideology. He for bearing arms, the to life, and focusing on math and science education (goodbye, arts). He also supports job creation and improving the economy, but every politician has a diamond solution for that rubik cube. Ron Paul is probably more of a pure conservative, but Gingrich filled the need of the more radical right wing masses the Tea Party supporters and the Evangelicals. Even rural voters felt more comfortable with the long time politician.
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"We are so thrilled, but this has been such a long time in the making," Amy Miller, the legal director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Nebraska, told The Times. by almost a 2 to 1 margin, according to Gallup's most recent poll, in October, and Nebraska is one of the nation's more conservative states.
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The botanical name for the tree is Prunus mume, and though it's commonly called the Chinese plum, it is neither a true apricot nor a plum. Some gardeners grow it as a bonsai; others plant it in the ground as an ornamental that can reach 25 feet tall at maturity. The tree at Ocean View Farms was problematic. The flowers dropped without ever setting fruit, as though someone cut them off with a razor. A specialist told Lee the tree was stressed because the garden's sandy soil was too dry. Her solution was to sink four pipes, each 3 feet deep, to bring water to the roots a solution that appears to be working.
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That being said I also believe this is purely political and may be on both sides. Condeleeza Rice will forever be remembered for reading that memo aloud in which we were warned in advance of 9/11. The woman can never run for office because of that clip. Iraq was also one of two immense failures of that administration. Those clips of her supporting the war and lies of the Bush admin would also doom her chances. No democrat wants those clips on record for Mrs Clinton.
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I like the concept, though I don't have much firsthand experience with the vehicle only giving it close looks in dealers and at auto shows. It seems though that there's a bit of a psychological capability problem with it, as its towing capacity wasn't huge (though I think it got better over time) and it's never had huge off road chops. You'd think that wouldn't be an issue, given that there have to be a ton of pickup buyers who don't require such things, but I think a lot of the appeal of a pickup, even more than an SUV, is to have that ability "just in case."
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