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NEW YORK. Sotheby's fall sales of Impressionist and Modern Art will include an impressive offering of paintings and sculpture by 19th and 20th century masters such as Gustav Klimt, Claude Monet, Vincent van Gogh, Alberto Giacometti, Pablo Picasso, Paul Czanne and Alexej von Jawlensky, among others. The evening sale will be highlighted by one of most important works by the Austrian artist Gustav Klimt ever to appear on the market, Landhaus am Attersee. Painted in 1914, during the summer he spent .. '
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Moderstjernen som ligger i sentrum av solsystemet skal vre nrmest identisk med Solen, og planeten befinner seg midt i solsystemets beboelige sone. Det vil si at planeten ligger i en sone med en temperatur hvor vann verken vil fryse til is eller koker bort.
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Data Acquisition Toolbox provides functions for connecting MATLAB to data acquisition hardware. The toolbox supports a variety of DAQ hardware, including USB, PCI, PCI Express PXI, and PXI Express devices, from National Instruments, Measurement Computing, Advantech, Data Translation, and other vendors.
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Students will soon have the chance to express their views on professionalism. A joint project hosted by the Royal College of Physicians, the GMC, the King Fund, and others will be taking a road show to many UK medical schools over the next three years. These follow the success of previous road shows for doctors, which resulted in the influential report Understanding Doctors; Harnessing Professionalism.[19] The student road shows will be attended by medical leaders and will consist of roundtable ..
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Nye testutgaverMicrosoft har denne uken kommet med intet mindre enn tre nye testutgaver til Windows Insider medlemmer som er med i fast ring ordningen. Den nyeste er Build 10162, som ble gjort tilgjengelig i gar.
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"Watching the games at home knowing what the team is going through," Smith said. "Knowing what we're doing, knowing how pregame is in the locker room, the camaraderie that we have before games and after the games and not being out there on the floor. That by far is the lowest point."
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A few weeks ago, a colleague sent me a link to an article in the Wall Street Journal. It described a "laboratory adept European entrepreneur" and his chief chemist, who were mining the scientific literature to find ideas for new designer drugs dubbed legal highs. I was particularly disturbed to see my name in the article, and that I had "been especially valuable" to their cause. I have worked for nearly four decades synthesizing and studying drugs that might improve the human condition. One ty ..
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Immer mehr Deutsche sehnen sich nach einem Ferienhaus oder einer Traumvilla direkt am Strand. Gro ist das Interesse daran etwa auf der griechischen Insel Rhodos, wie aus einer Marktanalyse des Immobilienvermittlers Engel Volkers hervorgeht. "Das Anfrageplus fhren wir auf die allgemeine Unsicherheit, die steigende Angste um die Stabilitat des Euro und die niedrigen Zinsen zurck", heit es im Lander Immobiliengutachten der deutschen Maklerkette.